I'm sure that many of you have thought about why it is that you like to write in whatever form that you write in. Of course, you have to ask yourself if it is a good reason. Obviously no one else can judge that but you, but can you say that your reason helps your writing? Does it add a passion, a heart to what you are doing? Sure, most of us had our first experience with writing as a result of a school assignment, and doing the writing as an assignment isn't always going to produce your best work, but when you write voluntarily, what is motivating you? That is the question that I ask on this weeks vlog. Take a look![youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gFn9hr3BDA]
A Tough Day Parenting
As I have stated in the past, I do not write poetry. At least, not on purpose. On occasions I'll jot some things onto paper if it has been an interesting day or two (a term which has many definitions!) This is something I jotted into my phone a couple of days ago. A Tough Day Parenting
My life centers around you.
You are my world now and forever.
Protect. Love. Teach. Guide.
Tricks. Lies. Distrust
Twist a knife in my heart.
Send to bed with anger.
Say I love you because I do no matter what.
Still hurts.
Hurts us both.
Return to tuck you in after you're asleep.
Demand better tomorrow
From both of us.
A brief reading from PUP
With the release date coming up soon, I decided to read a brief section of PUP so that people can get a preview of what I am so excited about. The scene that I am reading is just an example of some of the early trials faced by the main character and gives an idea of the interesting, almost comical difficulties he has a habit of stumbling into. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ji_0OVj9w4]
Vlog 9: The origins of Pup
Pup: A Novel of Accidental Heroism comes out in just a few weeks on June 16th. This week I was thinking back on some of the things that influenced me in writing the story and I remembered the very first reenactment that I took part in. I tell the story here and you really start to see how Pup was influenced as well as how much of a bumbler I can be! [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjRAscgZssk]
Can Writing be Used for Relaxation?
Everyone wants to find a way to relax. Let's face it, this is a high-stress culture that we live in. Of course, some hobbies can cause more stress than they relieve. Sometimes writing is one of those hobbies. Everyone loves coming up with a story, but revising it, rewording it, gauging people's interest in it can bring about a huge stress load. So how do you relax with writing? That's the subject of this week's vlog. https://youtu.be/8f62IF0zGpo
Leave comments on how you use writing to relieve stress!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f62IF0zGpo]
Motivation for writing
This week I decided to take a moment to speak about motivation for writers. We all want to write the next great book, but finding the time and energy to sit down and do it can be a pretty difficult thing. If you have a career outside of writing, that will take up a lot of your time. If you have a family, that is going to take up more of your time (and rightfully so!), and any other hobbies plus the daily requirements of life will take up a big chunk of time. How do you make yourself sit down and write when so much else is fighting for your attention? Well, I point out two things that work for me on today's vlog and I would love to hear what else works for you. In case you don't have the time to spare to watch (although I think you should! You never know what you're missing!), one of my motivating factors is having someone who reads things as I am writing them. Knowing that someone is awaiting the next scene can be very motivating. The other is speaking with other writers online. If they are touting their successes, it tends to get those competitive juices flowing. Enjoy the vlog, and make sure to let me know what helps convince you to make the time to sit down and write!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8xPZ2AnxNw]