So you are writing your story and your antagonist does something cruel. Have you ever wondered if your audience believes that someone would do such a thing? It's amazing how many writers create a "bad guy" who is simply...bad. Sometimes it takes a great story and makes it mediocre. The way to prevent that is remarkably simple, and I tackle that not-so-secret in this week's vlog.[youtube]
A letter to ladies who ask for more romance from their husbands
In July I will have been married for fifteen years. There aren’t many things that television shows and movies get correct about normal life, but one thing that they do tend to accurately portray is the idea that as time passes in a committed relationship, romance seems to go away. How often have you heard married women talk about how they wish that their husbands were as romantic as they were earlier in their relationship? I’m sure that my wife says the same thing. I feel that I need to help deal with this problem. However, I am not writing this to tell the husbands to take more opportunities to be more romantic towards their wives (although they should). I am writing to explain to some of the wives out there how often your husbands show you how much they care without you ever knowing it, much less acknowledging their efforts. I don’t claim to be an expert on male psychology. I tend to be more of an observer than a participant when it comes to many of the male-bonding rituals. What I have observed leads me to a conclusion about myself as well as other men: we rarely show our true selves. Men worry about our reputations a lot more than we will ever let on. You can’t show weakness in front of the other guys. Aggression is applauded. Meekness is degraded. There are a million things that a typical guy can do in a minute that can impact his reputation, both with other guys as well as with women. It might be his choice of vocabulary. It might be how he answers a question or if he chooses to answer at all. It might be his posture. It might be if he smiles and how. I don’t know if it is all social conditioning or a natural aspect of male psychology, but men have a lot of difficulty trusting someone so completely that they always show their true selves. (No, I’m not saying that every man secretly cries a lot and always wants to watch rom-coms. That only happens in the movies.) Once a man finds that level of trust in someone, it is a very big deal.
I understand that ladies want a romantic candlelight dinner and a night out on the town. That’s perfectly legitimate to expect and even demand. However, if you want to know how truly romantic your relationship is, just look at a typical day around your loved one. Look for the times when he relaxes around you. Maybe he holds your hand or puts his arm around you. Maybe he gives you a kiss on the forehead. Maybe he volunteers to tuck the kids in. Maybe he cut the time he was spending with his friends short so that he could get home. Sure, he may make jokes with his friends about “the old ball-and-chain,” but maybe he’s coming home early because he wants to be with you. Even if it seems like a lot of the things that he does are out of a sense of obligation, he may be doing them because he wants to. He may trust you enough to be showing who he really is.
In July I will have been married for fifteen years. I’m sure that there are times that my wife has wondered what has happened to the romance. She’s right to ask for more outward displays from me, and it would be appropriate for me to accommodate her. Still, I hope that every day she might look at the things that I do and realize that I trust her with seeing my true self. Each one of those acts that shows that I am relaxed around her is another time that I am showing her how much I love her, and how much I appreciate her for accepting me for who I am.
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Happy Birthday to Pup
Well, today is the day. My brain-child was finally born. The novel Pup has been released. There are certainly days that have been more important in my life. The birth of my son and my wedding day are the obvious ones that come to mind. Still, this one certainly ranks up there. Any of you that are writers understand how amazing it can be to watch a story take shape in your mind and by your hands. Sometimes the characters become as real, or sometimes even more real than the people around you.You go back to read through what you have written and you find yourself surprised with what you find. A life plays out before your very eyes. You get to not only witness it, but you also get to shape it. I feel sad to say this as a writer, but words cannot do justice to the process. Those of you that don't write understand as well. You get the same feeling through the expression of your own passions. I watched that same elation form on someone's face when they finally got a troublesome engine running once again. I see it when people draw, and I've seen it on the face of every person that finishes a long-distance race. It is an amazing journey.
The difference between this journey in writing and others that I have taken is that this one included another leg to the trip. Not only did I get to write the story, I was offered the privilege of publishing the story. This meant that my story would not only mean something to me, but it had the chance of finding meaning for someone else as well. No artist paints a picture hoping that they are the only one that sees it. The very knowledge that someone else, even if it is only one individual, would get a smile, a laugh, or a lesson from my writing was a heady feeling indeed. That feeling has lasted since I first heard the news about publication over six months ago.
So, the big day of release is finally here. So what am I planning to do to celebrate it. Nothing much. Honestly, I have kept up with my social media, spoken to my mom (she was probably one of the first buyers. No surprise there!), gone to a few shops, and gotten a little exercise. My wife and I will probably go out to eat, but that is all that I really have planned. Am I a party pooper? I don't think so. I've had six months of celebrating, and that isn't counting the writing process itself. I'm thrilled. I'm proud. I plan for a great showing. But I don't intend to spike the football. I'm happy just soaking it in and getting ready for the next day.
A Tough Day Parenting
As I have stated in the past, I do not write poetry. At least, not on purpose. On occasions I'll jot some things onto paper if it has been an interesting day or two (a term which has many definitions!) This is something I jotted into my phone a couple of days ago. A Tough Day Parenting
My life centers around you.
You are my world now and forever.
Protect. Love. Teach. Guide.
Tricks. Lies. Distrust
Twist a knife in my heart.
Send to bed with anger.
Say I love you because I do no matter what.
Still hurts.
Hurts us both.
Return to tuck you in after you're asleep.
Demand better tomorrow
From both of us.
A brief reading from PUP
With the release date coming up soon, I decided to read a brief section of PUP so that people can get a preview of what I am so excited about. The scene that I am reading is just an example of some of the early trials faced by the main character and gives an idea of the interesting, almost comical difficulties he has a habit of stumbling into. [youtube]
Vlog 9: The origins of Pup
Pup: A Novel of Accidental Heroism comes out in just a few weeks on June 16th. This week I was thinking back on some of the things that influenced me in writing the story and I remembered the very first reenactment that I took part in. I tell the story here and you really start to see how Pup was influenced as well as how much of a bumbler I can be! [youtube]
Filler for your story: what you should and shouldn't do
I recently had someone ask me to do a vlog on filler for their writing. While considering it I also thought about how long it had been since I had the opportunity to sit down and do a written blog. Since it had been quite a while, I figured I would set aside a few minutes and answer his question in writing. Whenever you write, there is always a lot of concern with the length of the story. Sometimes you want to make certain that the story is novel length (which varies, depending on who you are speaking to) and sometimes you want to make certain that you aren't overdoing it. It is the first of these categories that are concerned with the phenomena in writing known as "filler." In essence, filler is something that takes up space and helps serve as a kind of written bridge between one important event in a story and another. Filler makes certain that what you hoped would be a novel isn't just an article. I once heard someone say that one of the hardest things to do is nothing. Filler essentially does nothing for the characters or story, so it makes it one of the most difficult things to write.
So, if you are asking this particular amateur writer how to create filler for your story, here is my answer: don't. I understand how much it might seem that you need to come up with something to fill up space, but if you do, then it is possible that you haven't fully developed your story or characters yet. Each thing that happens in your story should be a link in the chain. Anything that isn't doesn't belong there. Whatever is being written should be something that helps the characters grow or the story move forward or give background to the situation. If it doesn't do one of those things, then you are wasting your time and your reader's time. Your characters and your story should be alive. Everything that is alive, whether they realize it or not, do things for a reason. They may not understand the reason, but it is there nonetheless. Your living story and living characters should be no different.
I understand completely how tempting it is to add extra stuff in to lengthen out a story. However, when it is all said and done, I would much rather have a well written short story than a poorly written novel. There's my two cents worth.
A quick word on research for your writing
This week I made a quick vlog while I was out and about taking part in one of my hobbies. The video is about the importance of research. Now I will admit that researching online and through books is incredibly important. It really gets you familiar with the subject that you are researching. However, nothing can take the place of actual experience. Remember, you are a writer. The idea is to bring the experience to life in the readers' imaginations. You can only do that if you try to get out of your house and take part, in some way, in the activity you are writing about. I know that this isn't possible for a lot of things in stories, but do it for everything that you can. There are a million tiny details that you pick up along the way that can really make a difference between a good story and a great story. So get up and out whenever you can find the time and look for those things that will really bring your writing to life. [youtube]
Can Writing be Used for Relaxation?
Everyone wants to find a way to relax. Let's face it, this is a high-stress culture that we live in. Of course, some hobbies can cause more stress than they relieve. Sometimes writing is one of those hobbies. Everyone loves coming up with a story, but revising it, rewording it, gauging people's interest in it can bring about a huge stress load. So how do you relax with writing? That's the subject of this week's vlog.
Leave comments on how you use writing to relieve stress!
Using foul language in writing
One of the people that reads just about everything that I write is my mother. Now, I'm 37 years old, married, and a father myself, but I still watch my language around my parents. It is simply the way that I was raised. I can't always extend that courtesy in my writing because sometimes, foul language suits the character or the moment. I have read many books and seen many movies where the language seems to be added in for no true reason. It is just there to be there, and I often feel that it takes away from the writer's talent. I'm not a prude, but I am practical. Is the foul language necessary? Well, that's the topic of this week's vlog.
A method for motivation, character growth, and plot development in your writing
We all want to make certain that we have a memorable plot and good characters in our writing. I've known of no one that walks around thinking, "Why can't I just be mediocre? That's all I've ever wanted!" Of course, how to create a memorable plot, developed characters, and talk ourselves into putting the time and effort into it is one of the great difficulties of writing. I put together a new technique recently that just might work for you: the fantasy cast! Some people like to play fantasy sports. I'm not one of them. All it does is remind me how little I know about sports. However, putting together that fantasy team really becomes an obsession for some people, and it keeps them watching their favorite sport all season. If you are trying to visualize your story as you write, why not put together a fantasy cast for your novel? Sure, most books aren't really written to be movies, but they are written for people to visualize as they read. Why not choose the actors and actresses that you think would best portray your characters if your book were adapted for Hollywood?
I'm not cheapening books by this at all. Think about it. If you have real, live people that you can picture playing the parts of your characters, the characters themselves become more real. As you imagine the way that these actors would portray the characters, you create more depth to the characters. As you visualize this in your mind, you are essentially directing your movie. It is a new level of control over your story, and it can help take your ideas in new directions. You can't really picture those two actors in a scene together? Maybe that scene needs to be rewritten. That actor would say that line with a sneer on their face? Great! Put that in writing! Why can't writing a book be like mentally directing a movie? Give it a try next time you need a fresh approach to your work! It gives you new motivation and even a good conversation topic with your friends.
I had already finished with my book before I thought this all of the way through, but I still came up with a fantasy cast for Pup. What do you think of my choices (I know that you don't know the characters, but look at the choices and picture some interactions. Would be awfully fun!)
Nickel- John Boyega
Jethro- Colton Haynes
Rabbit- Jordan Hinson
Shaggy- Jim Parsons
Hannibal- Chris Hemsworth
Professor- Benedict Cumberbatch
Boom- Freema Agyeman
Mayumi Ogawa- Jamie Chung
Pup- Colin Morgan
So who would be in your fantasy cast? Swing by and find the best fit for you!
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Motivation for writing
This week I decided to take a moment to speak about motivation for writers. We all want to write the next great book, but finding the time and energy to sit down and do it can be a pretty difficult thing. If you have a career outside of writing, that will take up a lot of your time. If you have a family, that is going to take up more of your time (and rightfully so!), and any other hobbies plus the daily requirements of life will take up a big chunk of time. How do you make yourself sit down and write when so much else is fighting for your attention? Well, I point out two things that work for me on today's vlog and I would love to hear what else works for you. In case you don't have the time to spare to watch (although I think you should! You never know what you're missing!), one of my motivating factors is having someone who reads things as I am writing them. Knowing that someone is awaiting the next scene can be very motivating. The other is speaking with other writers online. If they are touting their successes, it tends to get those competitive juices flowing. Enjoy the vlog, and make sure to let me know what helps convince you to make the time to sit down and write!
Video Log 2 "How do you know when you are done?"
I decided to try another vlog. Take a look and make sure to leave some feedback. I'm hoping to get us talking about the subjects that I mention. Today's questions are how much work or revision do you do on your writing before you decide it's done? Also, if you could ask an author a question, what would it be? Alternately, if you are a writer, what questions would you want to be asked in an interview? Let me know! Looking forward to hearing from you! [youtube]
I finally made a vlog
I took the plunge and finally made a video blog today. Why not check it out and let me know what you think. [youtube]
A question to followers
I apologize for not having a new blog entry yesterday. Been a busy time in my household. I have a question for you all. I'm considering trying to do a video blog once a week. Do any of you follow a vlog or do one yourself? What do you think about them?
An awesome surprise yesterday!
This will be a quick entry, and I'm sorry for sounding like a bad imitation of Bill and Ted, but I wanted to share that I received the second most awesome delivery of my life yesterday. Being there for the delivery of my son was obviously the most awesome. Yesterday, just as I was about to cut my hair (which explains why it looks the way that it does), my son knocked on my door and said that there was a delivery out front. A minute later he brought up a cardboard box that seemed pretty heavy to him. I thanked him, opened it, and just stood there smiling. It was twenty-five advanced copies of my book. I had a box full of my first published book! It's still two and a half months before its release, but I feel so thrilled about it now!
Just a quick update on my book...
I'm thrilled to announce that my first published novel, Pup, is now available for preorder. It is currently available for preorder on three sites with more to follow. You can find links to these sites on my web page The Amazon link includes a pretty expansive preview of the novel. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Where to find ideas for a side story for your novel
So you have come up with a wonderful idea for a novel. You have it all planned out. You know every detail of what is going to happen with your main characters. You know what plot twists are going to throw your reader for a loop. You're set! Then you start writing and find a huge problem. It isn't enough. Your plans for a novel have resulted in a short story with dreams of growing up into a novel. You add more details to your characters, embellish a little on the story, and even get creative with your spacing. Still not enough. You need a side story. Where are you going to come up with a side story? You fried out all of the creative circuits in your brain imagining the main plot. It's all over! The book is ruined! Time to go back to watching Star Wars way to much and living off of popcorn! (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) Before you format your hard drive and burn your printed copies, you should realize that a side story isn't that difficult to create, and it can make a world of difference in your characters realism. Think about it. Do you do only one thing all of the time? Even people who are obsessed with something take a break from it now and again. Your characters should, too. That is where a good side story comes in. It transforms your characters from characters into people. So where do you find a good side story? My suggestion for that would be the same suggestion that I give for most things. Open your eyes! The perfect side stories are all around you or have already been a part of you and your life.
One of the favorite approaches I have seen some authors use is to make the setting of the book a side story. That is a tried and true technique. It's especially useful if you are very familiar with the setting yourself. When this happens, the setting becomes a character all its own. Could Batman take place anywhere other than Gotham City? I really enjoy the Dresden Files series. In it, Jim Butcher often uses the setting of Chicago as a source for side stories. He takes common sites in the city and twists them to fit into his paranormal world. You can certainly do the same.
Of course, everyone doesn't want to use the same formula for creating side stories. That would make for boring literature. So what else can you look to for side stories. Think of your own life. I don't mean that you should make every story a biography. I mean that everyone can look back on an event in their life and imagine how it could have been different. You can positively or negatively change how things are handled by your characters in the same situation and create a good side story that will be very believable. After all, the situation did occur in real life, right? You can also look to your own activities. Why not incorporate some of your own hobbies, your job, or some of your interpersonal interactions into side stories. Once again, reality creeps into fiction, and it makes for a better story.
So, if it is big cities or family reunions, career moves or airsoft games, you can find lots of ideas for side stories for almost any book. Just look around, remember, go through a photo album, or talk to a friend. Personally, I am using airsoft in the book I am working on now. It gives me a good side story and an excuse to go and play!
Is there a difference between an author and a writer?
Family is a great source of influence in writing
I will preface this by saying that I am not a poet. I have read some wonderful poetry in my day, and none of it was written by me! I accept that limitation without complaint. However, there are times when you feel the need to express something, and you do so however you can, even if it is not in your area of strength. Such was the case several years ago when it was the anniversary of my grandfather's passing. Family can be a great source of stories, but it can be a great source of pure inspiration as well. PawPaw
He would not have read this poem
Even if he were still here.
Poetry was not his style.
He would have put it on that table next to his chair
But still talk about it with that crooked smile.
I tried to tell him in my own ways.
I think that he still truly understood.
There had been so many things
Some others couldn't forgive him for,
But all his grandson saw was good.
He knew how much that day meant
When we drove around for hours
And how his opinion was everything,
But was he speaking the day we laid him down
When there was thunder but no showers?
My son shares your name now, PawPaw,
But he doesn't have your crooked smile.
That is something that you gave to me.
I will place this next to your stone,
But you don't have to read it.
I still know you love it. That was your style.